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DHL/南華早報香港商業奬 2022年度獎項現正接受報名

DHL/南華早報香港商業奬 2022年度獎項現正接受報名。香港商業奬旨在透過表彰出色的商業機構及領袖,發揚香港的企業家精神。


The awards, held without interruption since 1990, honour outstanding achievements in seven categories this year, covering the outstanding business-person, executive, enterprise, China company, small and medium-sized enterprise (SME), start-up and international reputations. A lifetime achievement award is also available to honour the worthy recipient at the discretion of the judges.

Nominations, which end on September 23 starting today, can be submitted for free via the awards’ website,, or by email to nominations@hkbusinessawards.com in English. Eligibility requirements of the various awards are available on the HKBA’s website.

KnitWarm DHL SCMP Business Award Startup Award
Winners of the 2021 DHL-SCMP Hong Kong Business Awards, during a gala dinner in Hong Kong on 2 December 2021: (L to R), Stanley Kwok, Co-Founder of KnitWarm Limited; Ronald Chan Yik-long, Executive Director of Modern Dental Group Limited; Donald Choi, Executive Director of ChinaChem Group; Professor Richard Wong, Provost and Chair of Economics, the University of Hong Kong; Ng Chee-choong, Senior Vice-President of DHL Express Hong Kong and Macau; Kenneth Lo, Chairman of Crystal International Group Limited; Gary Liu, CEO of South China Morning Post; Sebastian Paredes, Chief Executive Officer of DBS Hong Kong; Sammi Hung, Regional Head of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Company Limited; Benny Liu, Founder of HK Decoman Technology Limited. Photo: May Tse

For the 2022 awards, the immediate past winners of 2021 will join the judging panel. They are Crystal International Group Limited’s founder and chairman Kenneth Lo (Businessperson award), ChinaChem Group’s executive director and chief executive Donald Choi (Executive award), DBS Bank Hong Kong Limited’s chief executive officer Sebastian Paredes (Enterprise award), Modern Dental Group Limited’s chairman Dr. Ronald Chan Yik-long (International award), HK Decoman Technology Limited’s founder Benny Liu (SME award), and

2021年的得獎者參與成為2022年度評審團成員,包括:羅樂風先生 - 晶苑國際集團有限公司 董事會主席兼執行董事(商業成就獎)、蔡宏興建築師太平紳士 - 華懋集團 執行董事兼行政總裁 (傑出管理獎)、龐華毅先生 星展銀行(香港)有限公司 行政總裁 (傑出企業獎)、陳奕朗醫生 現代牙科集團有限公司 董事會主席、執行董事兼東南亞區總經理 (海外拓展成就獎)、廖沛賢先生 裝修佬科技有限公司 創辦人及行政總裁 (傑出中小企獎) 及

郭志雄先生 織暖有限公司 聯合創辦人 (傑出初創企業獎).

DHL/南華早報香港商業獎評選團主席:王于漸教授 SBS,JP 香港大學首席副校長 經濟學講座教授 黃乾亨黃英豪政治經濟學教授

其他評審團成員包括:方嘯先生 香港上海滙豐銀行有限公司 工商金融總經理兼香港及澳門主管、梁兆基先生 香港總商會總裁、劉會平先生 香港貿易發展局副總裁、楊甘琳小姐 國際青年商會香港總會(JCI香港)2022年總會會長、蔡關頴琴律師 香港中華總商會 常務會董兼婦女委員會主席

吳志忠先生 DHL Express 香港及澳門高級副總裁暨董事總經理DHL Express 亞太區管理委員會成員 鄭尚任先生 南華早報財經主編

source: https://www.scmp.com/business/companies/article/3185083/dhl-scmps-2022-hong-kong-business-awards-open-nominations-honour


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