Warm your eyes
KnitWarm EyeMask integrates the breathable knit and seamless tailoring to offer the ultimate comfort to wearers. The heat helps reduce tension and fatigue by stimulating blood circulation around the eyes. It is extremely light of only 18 grams in weight and 2 mm in thickness. The advanced 3D-design prevents wearers from feeling any discomfort after wearing for a long time, and meanwhile it offers the best opaque condition by inducing a state of darkness for quality sleep.

Travel pouch
A 3D knitting travel pouch is specially designed to keep the EyeMask.

Travel goodies
The mini-device control or smart phone application with 5 adjustable heat-setting levels and a built-in timer ensures a 15-minute heat therapy at preferred temperature and offers the wearer an utmost comfort and safety. The EyeMask not only keeps out the light but also creates a soothing touch to your eyes with heat. The light and thin EyeMask is an ideal travel goodie for a pleasant and relaxing therapy after a long day. A specially designed travel pouch comes with it.

特高透氣 熱敷雙眼
「織暖眼罩」用上真絲及棉混紡,以精細柔軟的針織製作,非常貼服肌膚,高遮光度令雙眼得到充分休息,特高透氣性讓雙眼及皮膚更舒適。免剪裁無縫編織技術,除去令皮膚不適的縫線,彈性更高。只有約2毫米厚度、18克重量,纖薄輕巧,輕如無物,睡覺時可長時間配戴。眼罩連接行動電源, 隨時隨地熱敷雙眼,更可根據個人喜好利用控制器或智能手機程式調教最舒適溫熱,適合經常使用電子產品令眼睛疲勞的都市人,或喜愛享受美容熱敷雙眼人士使用,更是旅遊公幹必備物品。備有3D針織收納袋,方便携帶。