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百變寵物暖氈手挽袋 PetWarmer 以收納式設計,手挽袋方便攜帶,打開變成隨身暖墊,讓主子無論在家或出巡都可以享受智能柔溫。


  • 内層中間部分置入香港研製「暖之織」布料專利,接上5V2A移動電源,於30秒內升溫送暖,備有5段溫度調節 + 恆溫記憶及15/30/60分鐘定時器,可從智能手機程式控制。成份:83% 回收聚酯纖維 (廢棄塑膠瓶) 17%聚醯胺
  • 外層為杜邦™ Tyvek® 品牌材料,是一種特殊工藝製成的高密度聚乙烯材料,集紙張、薄膜和織布的材料特性於一身,具有防水、透氣、質輕、強韌、耐候、耐撕裂、耐穿刺、防菌、環保可回收等等優秀材料特性。



暖氈手挽袋 :255 克
尺寸:39 x 28 cm (打開後:39 x 56 cm ;智能「暖之織」布料尺寸:8.5 x 21 cm) 

5000mAh 5V2A 輕薄移動電池 88 克

Keiko 跟 KnitWarm 首次攜手推出寵物系列,為熱愛寵物社群提供會心微笑且創意十足的時尚產品,部份收益將撥捐愛協議支持其動物福利工作。



Tote / Heating Pad convertible for pets using at home or on-the-go.  The tote design combines simplicity and portable feature.   


  • Inner layer uses what is considered to be first-of-its-kind patented heat-conductive smart textile technology. The central area can warm up in 30 seconds when plugged into the power bank and give a gentle sensation like the skin under the sunshine. The mobile app can remote control the timer, 5 heat-setting levels, and maintain controlled constant temperature.  


  • Outer layer of Tote is made of DuPont Tyvek®, which is light weight & flexible, water-resistant & breathable, tear-resistance & durable, excellent recyclable, and paper-like touch.


Tote:  39 x 28 cm (unfolded:39 x 56 cm warming area:8.5 x 21 cm) 

Weight:  255 g (Tote) + 88g (5000mAh 5V2A Ultra slim power bank)


Keiko and KnitWarm join forces to bring joy and warm creations into the pet-loving community.  A portion of this sales will go to SPCA for animal welfare services.

PetWarmer 百變寵物暖墊手挽袋

HK$1,450.00 一般價格
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